October 11, 2021
Hispanic Heritage Month: Bishop overcomes crime-filled past, inspires Baltimore youth

Baltimore's Hispanic community has seen growth over the past decade and new leaders have emerged.

Bishop Angel Nunez has taken a long journey in life and how it began remains a guiding force. The early years of his life make him especially equipped to meet some of Baltimore's challenges.

"My father was not present in my life. And at the age of 8 years old, my mother died of cancer. Once she died, me and my sister were thrust in the streets of New York, foster homes, state institutions," Nunez said.

He describes himself as a child and young person without hope. Nunez said the film "American Gangster," portraying drug dealing in Harlem in the 1960s and 1970s, provides a clear snapshot of his life in New York during that time.

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